
The clouds

My brother took some awesome pictures. They inspired me to make this.




Please let me out.

I am trapped in this blue wooden sheet.

blue mans fire


Little Cat House

First image from "The Little Cat House" Environment


Book 2 image.

Heres the image for book 2...


Book Robot... 02

changed the legs.

The robot v2 from Book#2's image...


Book Robot...

The robot from Book#2's image...


Book Cowboy...

The cowboy from Book#2's image...


I picture him being clay...

I think he would maybe look more like plastic than clay.

funny bones



I don't know why I did this but I guess this is Cube-Kieran....


book two

First test for book 2

(T-Rex driving a milk truck away from robots.)


Happy two to the four.

I turn 24.
Another Journey Around.
Say Hello World.



-(start~edit)- The image above came from a environment I built last night as a Lighting test for Linear Lighting.. It turned out a bit better than expected but that's the explanation on where it came from. -(end~edit)-


Version 0.97

Hopefully this is the beginning of something good...


Sam the black glow monster.

This is Sam, he is very harmless but everyone finds him scary...

Sam the black glow monster


Playing with pixels...

Big size ------------------------------------ Original size

Happy Febuary 8th

Happy feb 8th, that's today...
Happy Feb 8th



Okay this is a really bad drawing I will make a better one with a whole body... just showing how a werespider turns from human to spider.
They can't stay turned for very long or they start healing and can not, or have trouble changing back.
The fingernails actually grow really long and hard as well when they split in to the spider, and they don't "ungrow" afterwards they need to be trimmed off.
The last thing is they are super vulnerable when changing, as well the only way to know its a werespider when it looks like a human is to x-ray its body.


Windows Live messenger Drawing

I draw sometimes to people online on msn... this is one of the ones I did today.

A little back story:

That robot was designed to test air pressure and analyze the changes in air currents and such on the top of mountains,
but he got bored one day and decided to just leave,
now like all robots he is searching for a purpose in life,
eventually he found out he loves cooking noodle soup for humans,
and does that down on the corner of Airet and Samway street at Bo's Ramen shop...


Tilt-Shift photoshop'd

I don't have a fancy camera so I have to fake this with photoshop. This is the first image I tilt shifted and I am semi happy with how it turned out for ten minutes of work.


My brothers style.

my younger brother has been doing a lot of really wicked images in a pretty neat cut out graphic design style. You can see them here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/radbot/

I have this idea for a little game about floating planets.. so I just did one for my Windows Live messenger icon.

weird desktop wallpaper

I made a weird desktop background.. I just wanted something simple and something to help icons stand out.

Desktop Background


Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone.

Happy New Year 2009